%0 Book Section %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %3 yamamoto_a constructive.pdf %X The cartographic label placement is an important task in automated cartography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Positioning the texts requires that overlap among texts be avoided, that cartographic conventions and preference be obeyed. So, the label placement belongs to a problem area of difficult solution. A variety of methods have been proposed to generate quality labeling, with a wide range of results. In this work, two methods are presented, a Constructive Genetic Algorithm (CGA) and an initial exact method for small instances. The CGA application produced quality-labeling placements for printed maps, and the exact method is used to confirm the superiority of these results. %E Ibaraki, T., %E Nonobe, K., %E Yagiura, M., %T A Construtive Genetic approach to Point-Feature Cartographic Label Placement %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress lorena@lac.inpe.br %@secondarytype PRE LI %K Constructive genetic algorithm, point-feature cartographic label placement, genetic algorithm and exact algorithm. %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3ESGTTP %B Metaheuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers %@usergroup administrator %@usergroup simone %@group LAC-INPE-MCT-BR %@group LAC-INPE-MCT-BR %@secondarykey INPE--/ %2 sid.inpe.br/iris@1916/2005/ %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Laboratório Associado de Computação e Matemática  Aplicada, (INPE, LAC) %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %@versiontype publisher %I Kluwer Academic %P 285-300 %4 sid.inpe.br/iris@1916/2005/ %D 2005 %@documentstage not transferred %A Yamamoto, Missae, %A Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira, %@dissemination NTRSNASA; BNDEPOSITOLEGAL. %@area COMP