%0 Book Section %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %3 Chian_advances-chian.pdf %X Space plasmas are dominated by waves, instabilities and turbulence. Dynamical systems approach offers powerful mathematical and computational techniques to probe the origin and nature of space environment turbulence. Using the nonlinear dynamics tools such as the bifurcation diagram and Poincaré maps, we study the transition from order to chaos, from weak to strong chaos, and the destruction of a chaotic attractor. The characterization of the complex system dynamics of the space environment, such as the Alfvén turbulence, can improve the capability of monitoring Sun-Earth connections and prediction of space weather. %E Chian, Abrahan Chian-Long, %T Dynamical systems approach to space environment turbulence %@secondarytype PRE LI %K Alfvén waves, chaos, solar wind, space plasmas, turbulence. %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3ESGTTP 8JMKD3MGPCW/3EU29DP %B Advances in space environment research. %@usergroup administrator %@usergroup jefferson %@group DGE-INPE-MCT-BR %@group LAC-INPE-MCT-BR %@e-mailaddress achian@dge.inpe.br %C Adelaide, Australia %@copyholder SID/SCD %@secondarykey INPE-11299-PRE/6736 %2 sid.inpe.br/marciana/2004/ %@affiliation World Institute for Space Environment Research (WISER), NITP %@affiliation University of adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. %@affiliation National Institute for Space Research (INPE) %@affiliation São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil. %I Kluwer Academic Publishers %P 447-461 %4 sid.inpe.br/marciana/2004/ %D 2003 %@documentstage not transferred %V 1 %A Chian, Abraham Chian-Long, %A Chaves, Felix Aldo Borotto, %A Rempel, Érico Luiz, %A Macau, Elbert Einstein Nehrer, %@dissemination NTRSNASA; BNDEPOSITOLEGAL. %@ 1-4020-1278-0 %@area CEA